Bharat Aadhaar Seeding Enabler

NPCI has launched Bharat Aadhaar Seeding Enabler (BASE) platform to facilitate Aadhaar Seeding and De-seeding activities in self-service mode for Direct benefit Transfer by enabling the citizens to carry out certain activities in digital mode. By using BASE platform, citizens can perform the following activities:

  • Check Aadhaar mapping status
  • Check Aadhaar mapping history
  • Aadhaar De-Seeding
  • Aadhaar Seeding : 3 Seeding types
    1. Fresh Seeding
    2. Movement - with in the same bank with another account
    3. Movement - from one bank to other bank

To use the BASE facility, customer needs to do the following steps:

  • Step 1: Click on the URL
  • Step 2: Click on Consumer Tab
  • Step 3: Click on Bharat Aadhaar Seeding Enabler (BASE)
  • Step4: Select above mentioned services as per your requirement.